BLACKHEADS-Causes and tips to deal with them

Nobody wants the skin problems as they decrease your confidence and makes you much conscious whenever you come in front of anyone. Today, we are going to talk about one such problem-Blackheads. In this article, we will discuss what blackheads are, what are their causes and how to deal with them like a pro. In the end, we will recommend a special face wash with neem extracts also. So, without any further delay, let’s start our discussion.

  • What are Blackheads?

Blackheads are actually small-sized, dark-colored lesions that appear on the human skin, most of the times on the face and the neck. Blackheads are actually a feature of the acne, but these can appear without other signs of the acne problems. Blackheads normally contains an oxidized version of melanin, which is a dark pigmentation protein made by cells of our skin. The annoying thing about the blackheads is that, like pimples, they can become worse if they are squeezed or scrubbed.

What are the causes of the blackheads?

Following are the major causes of the blackheads: –

  • Changes in the hormones: –Science says that when you go through the phase of the puberty, then the blackheads and other common blemishes appear as the common side effect. The logic behind this is that the hormones which are surging in the human body during the phase of puberty triggers the increased sebum production. It is actually a type of natural oil in the human skin and higher production of this natural oil leads to the high turnover of skin cells. This Sebum called oil compound hydrates your skin, but if it reaches to the excessive level, then it can block your skin pores and can lead to blackheads.
  • Genetic predisposition: – What if we say that your genes may be another cause of the blackheads and other skin issues which you are suffering from? Well, many studies have proved that. No doubt, the level of the puberty hormones which is being increased in your body may be of the same level as in your friend’s body, but it is your genetic makeup which determines how much your skin will be impacted by that increased level of androgen (Puberty hormones).
  • Inappropriate skin care products: – One of the major reasons that why peoplesuffer from the unwanted blackheads issues even after taking so much care of their skin is the choice of wrong skin care product for their skin. Just look at the label of your skin care product and if you can’t see “non-comedogenic” written anywhere there, then it may be a major contributor to your skin problems. The reason is that the “non-comedogenic” products dissolves the excess oil and removes the dead skin cells from your skin pores in case there are any, thus eliminating the blackheads.
  • Solution of the problem
  • Cleansing is a descent solution in order to get rid of blackheads. Special scrubs are available in the market which can be used for the gentle exfoliation. Give preference to those products which are for sensitive skin and are fragrance free.
  • You should always choose the non-comedogenic products as they don’t lead to the clogged pores. Instead they keep the pores of your skin open and also reduces the unnecessary layer of the dead skin cells.
  • There are some special face washes available in the market which can be used to treat the problem of blackheads. You can buy No scars neem extracts facewash online as this product does wonders for your skin. It not only gets rid of the blackheads, but it also lightens the scars on the skin.

Those were some of the tips to deal with the problem of the blackheads. If these tips are followed consistently for a reasonable time, they you surely will be able to get rid of those blackheads.

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